
Monday, March 14, 2022



Today’s Lunch: Turkey & Cheese Wraps & Chips

Tuesdays Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs



  • Happy Birthday Cord Currey, Hatley and Mesa Weeding
  • Tomorrow is the End of Quarter 3
  • Wednesday the 16th is Parent Teacher Conferences from 5-8 pm.
  • Kyle Weeding will be coming after school, Wednesday the 16th, in the library, to do orders for Prom flowers.



Upcoming Events:


13 - 15 - State BPA

15 - End of Third Quarter

16 – PTC 5-8

17- 18 - State FCCLA

 31 - 5th-8th Grade Ski Trip


What’s the smartest insect around?

The Spelling Bee.